"Waking to Eden"
A memoir written by Michele Morgan Doucette
Waking to Eden is a true story...
about a woman who, after a traumatic event, and facing a diagnosis of autoimmune disease, sets herself on a path to health by re-programming the energetic disease in her own DNA. An intimate view into the raw secret of miscarriage creates a portal through which a timely and unique perspective of autoimmune disease is discovered, and a world of light and benevolence reveals itself. Waking to Eden explores the possibility of changing our DNA by changing our beliefs and offers a truly integral view of natural health care, energy medicine, and natural living. While it is a simple and accessible story of an ordinary life, it is told from extraordinary perspective in which cats speak from the afterlife, unborn children offer guidance, houses are alive, DNA is malleable, and human hands heal. Bubbling beneath the surface are all the implications of a quantum universe based on noetic science: parallel lifetimes, altered states of consciousness, synchronicity, field theory, energy medicine, vibrational chemistry, epigenetics, and holographic healing.